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Pilgrimage to Zion

Ann Ree’s 40th Memorial Conclave and Pilgrimage was held in Zion National Park on the weekend of June 28-30 – forty years from the time of her passing on June 28, 1984.  Our profound gratitude is felt for the sacrifices (of so many kinds) that have brought this ministry with strength and unity unto this day.  Jesus said: 

He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward.  -St. Matthew 10:41

We bear witness to the truth of these words.  We received Ann Ree and Jonathan and the Niscience System of instruction and practice into our lives.   What a gift from God!  In the system and through the Teachers we could intuit and hear the message of Jesus – and continue to hear it spoken more clearly and purely.

When Jesus left the world, His Spirit was able to be more fully with His Apostles through their co-atom relationship….Jesus said: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit (St. John 12:24).  -Jonathan Murro

The corn of wheat that is the Spirit of Christ in our Teachers’ souls, has grown stronger and more powerful in and through each dedicated co-disciple as well as in our group as a whole.  

Ann Ree has also said that Mary works with the forty.  It  is a powerful and significant number, as we know.  At Zion, our 40th Memorial Conclave, we met beside the Virgin River (named for Mary) which patiently carved the magnificent canyon.  I felt it to be a profound testimony to the faith and dedication of my co-disciples that were there – in such an inspiring and deeply symbolic place who have patiently etched the great Christ wisdom into their souls with faith and application.  

On Friday night we remembered the many memorial Conclaves we have had, including the very first one at Sequoia National Park with Jonathan. Also the many times we sat on Beetle Rock together for dusk meditation and sounded the twelve OMs. Thanks to all the beloved ones throughout the many years who have kept and are keeping the sacred tryst. It brings back many memories and poignant truths that Ann Ree had given concerning Nature, the blood of Jesus, the Presence of Jesus in the dusk hour. At the dusk hour in the rosy red of Zion Canyon, and in the memory of Jesus' words to Ann Ree at Beetle Rock, our Conclave tryst began.

From the time that Jesus was crucified and His blood spilled from the wound caused by the centurion’s thrust, the etheric body of the earth was made whole and complete; and man began to live within the life substance of the Lord Jesus, who unceasingly gives His body or bread to men. The living charismatic substance in the blood of Jesus – directed by His cosmos soul – poured into the earth, increasing in dimension and circumference until the earth minerals, the earth fire, the earth atmosphere were saturated. The blood of Jesus expanded into a rosy, pink-like hue – taking command of the etheric body of the earth; encasing the substances, the growths, the cells of all things of the earth. Thus, when the Eucharist is placed before man, he literally takes into himself the body and the blood of the Lord. (ARC)

At Beetle Rock, Jesus instructed Ann Ree concerning the duck hour, the sunset, and how each day at dusk He "seeks to lighten the cares of men; for the hearts of men are more responsive to His Love at this time of the day." (ARC)

The etheric body of Jesus, in command of the earth, encomapsses and saturates the earth with His love. At dusk he momentarily adjusts and modifies the burdens of the world. (ARC)

And in the beautiful rosy orange and red canyon of Zion we remembered the Venerable One's words:

With the last rays of the sun, stones shine with a dazzling fiery brilliance, awaiting the touch of night. Trees, like cups or chalices are filled to the uttermost in their juicy completions. Earth, ripe with the impulses of fulfilled giving, surrendereth to the chord of union between Nature and God. -Ann Ree Colton

And Ann Ree offers the Summer Solstice Visualization Exercise which was poignantly vivid in the Zion polarity.

Visualize around your body an effulgent, holy Light, knowing that this increases light is given to you from your Soul. Envision within the effulgent Light a rosy Light, warm and radiant, exuding from your physical body. The currents from this warming, rosy Light move through you, giving you the feeling of an upsurge, of renewal in the physical body. Draw upon the third or spiritual vitality moving outward from the very depths of the love of life centered within the heart.

The Zion canyon -- especially in the sunset hour -- is encompassed within the sacred rosy hue. Our souls were radiant in response to the beauty and the etheric glow filling us ith its essence. And with the Virgin River flowing the midst of the canyon, and the great rock named for the biblical Patriarchs, we blended with feelings of awe and inspiration that so many have experienced when they have come to Zion. God gives suc a place so as to exand our hearts and mental atoms to encompas more of His Truth, Wonder, Power, Beauty, and Eternals. I such a state of reverence, the blending into the holy etheric body of Jesus in the dusk hour is tangible.

One is also moved to consider the millions of years of weather water, heat and cold, that etched this canyon into thee earth, And now it was providing a shelter and place for our 40th Memorial Conclave, with its soundings of the Niscience archetypal words, hopes, testimonies, and tones. It is stated in the National Parks website that "over the course of 13 million years, the virgin River has carved through the red sandstones of Zion National Park to create some of the most unforgettable scenery in the National Park System." The Niscience song, "River of Life" that we sang during the Conclave, actually came to me years ago while sitting beside the Virgin River.

In coming to Conclave we also honor Jesus's words that "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (St. Matthew 18:20).  His Presence was magnified and glorified through the beautiful Conclave. We were there -- at this Memorial Time -- In His Name -- to honor His prophet and servant, Ann Ree Colton, and to provide a lightning rod of faith and mediation for the Niscience Archetypal dispensation coming into the world: a Way, a great Truth, a magnificent Life!

My Gift has opened to me vistas and dimensions beyond the senses, whereby I cross over the thunders of Maya into the lightnings of Heaven. -Ann Ree Colton

The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. -Jesus (St. John 6:63)


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